Da Bac belongs to Lien Son commune, Luong Son district, Hoa Binh province. This cave is the masterpiece of the Creator that has combination between sculpture and painting, spectacular and romantic views.

Da Bac cave has 70 meters length, provided small room. It contains the potential value and many mysterious of nature. According to folklore, the fairies in the heaven are bored with fairy scene so they come to the earth. They soak in the beauty of the earth and enjoy Da Bac Lien Son Cave. The beauty in cave makes fairies surprise with sparkling stalactites, curved arch… The Jade Emperor was angry so that he closed the heaven gate. The fairies could not come back; therefore, they turned into mountain. Hence, Da Bac Cave is also known as Tien Cave.

Da Bac Cave was discovered in 1990 by chance of people. Initially, entrance of cave is small ravine that fits for one person. After that, local people make entrance larger in order to enter easily. Step into the cave, tourists will come to the Co Tien Cave.

This cave has 2 parts. Outside part is large, stalactites on the ceiling as the velvet curtain. At the food of stalactites blocks, there has drops dripping into ground, which creates two natural lake with full of water. Behind the lake is a system of rice terraces that are curved which creates the dynamic natural carved picture. Inside part is small, private and serene as a bedroom. The hollow inner stones are slender as a soft curtain. When we touch in the hollow stone ranges, it has the sound of gong, copper drums… Visitors can sit for hours to soak into romantic space. Leaving Co Tien Cave, visitors come to Long Tien Cave. Here, tourists can see the half corner stone as annular shape of the woman.

Next, visitors come to Mau cave. Step into entrance of cave, we are overwhelmed by the forest of stalactites with many colors: green, red, purple, yellows as in the festival. Under the roof, there has image of fairies on the cliffs, next is the Thach Sanh sitting under banyan. On the opposite side, it is image of Thanh Giong… Da Bac cave is the beautiful art of the creator.

With the beauty of Da Bac cave, it inspires to poets, writers, painters and sculptors. This is the beautiful landscapes of Luong Son district. The way to the cave is very convenient and it becomes attractive tours for the tourists.


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